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Intro to Generative Adversarial Networks | GANs 001

   GANs consist of three terms Generative Adversarial Network. Let's understand these three terms first. Generative : A Generative Model takes input training sample from some distribution and learns to represents that distribution. Adversarial : It basically means Conflicting or Opposing. Networks : These are basically neural networks. So,Generative Adversarial Networks are deep neural network architecture comprising of two neural networks compete with each other to make a generative model. A GAN consist of two class models : Discriminative Model :- It is the one that discriminate between two different classes of data.It tries to identify real data from fakes created by the generator Generative Model :- The Generator turns noise into an imitation of the data to try to trick the discriminator Mathematically, A Generative Model 'G' to be trained on training data 'X' sampled from some true distribution 'D' is the one which, given some standard random distrib

How to resize an Image using OpenCV

Media files tends to have a lot of information and processing it need a lot of time and computation. Resizing of image and videos is done to prevent computational strain Resizing is basically modifying the width and height. Many image recognition and machine learning applications benefit from scaling. By Resizing, the training time of a neural network can be significantly reduced. We'll use CV2.resize() method :- cv2.resize(src, dsize, interpolation)   src - takes the input image   dsize - take the output dimension as input in Tuple   Interpolation take three method as input  cv2.INTER_AREA : This is used when we need to shrink an image.It is the preferred method  cv2.INTER_CUBIC : A Bicubic method, is slow but more efficient.  cv2.INTER_LINEAR : This is primarily used when zooming is required. This is the default interpolation technique in OpenCV   The Function defined below will always work for Images, Video and Live Camera Feed . CODE FOR RESIZING. import cv2 frame= cv2.imre

Frequently Asked Python Interview Questions - 2 | 2021

What is the difference between List and Tuple in Python?   A list can hold ordered sets of all data types in Python (including another list). A list's elements can be modified after creation. The implication of iterations is time-consuming in the list. Operations like insertion and deletion are better performed and consumes more memory. They are mutable The tuple type is very similar to the list type but the elements cannot be modified after creation (similar to strings). Implications of iterations are much faster in tuples. Elements can be accessed better and consumes less memory.They are immutable. What type of language is Python? Python is a dynamically typed interpreted language. These types of languages are typically referred to as “scripting” languages because code is not compiled to a binary form. By dynamically typed I mean that types do not need to be declared when coding, the interpreter figures them out at runtime. Python is neither a true compiled time nor pure

Must Know Computer Vision Tools | 2021

Computer vision is an interdisciplinary scientific field which deals with how digital images or videos can obtain high-level understanding from computers. It attempts to understand and automate activities that the human visual system can do from the point of view of engineering.Computer vision is also used in convenience stores, Driverless car training, everyday medical diagnostics, and in tracking the health of crops and animals, as an AI system that helps machines to interpret and mark images. We have seen from our study that machines are talented in identifying pictures. 5 Must Know Computer Vision Tools are: YOLO YOLO (You Only Look Once) is an open source object detection approach, which has a number of benefits compared to the other approaches. YOLO nicely learns the context and can learn 'generalized' representation so well that could be used on images with different objects. YOLO is extremely fast. Paper :- Scikit-Image  It is an o

Best PyThon IDEs | 2020

 What are IDEs ? The Integrated Development Environment is a software application that offers extensive software development facilities for computer programmers. The IDE usually consists of at least a source code editor, automation software, and a debugger. Here is a list of some the Best Python IDEs available.  1.PyCharm PyCharm is an Integrated Development Environment (IDE) used in computer programming, especially in the Python language. It is developed by the Czech company JetBrains. It offers code analysis, graphical debugger, integrated unit tester, integration with version control systems (VCS) and supports web creation with Django as well as data science with Anaconda. PyCharm is a cross-platform version of Windows, MacOS and Linux. 2.Anaconda Anaconda is a distribution of Python and R programming languages for scientific computing (data science, machine learning applications, large-scale data processing, predictive analytics, etc.) with the goal of simplifying package managemen

Top Programming Language To Learn | 2020

There are hundreds of Programming Languages to choose from, each with its own complexities.So, here is a list of  programming language to learn for a bright future .Although the field of computer programming changes rapidly, By learning one or more of these languages, you’ll be in an excellent position not only for this year, but in the years to come.  PYTHON Python is one of the most commonly used programming languages today and is easy for beginners to learn because of its readability. It is a free, open-source programming language with extensive support modules and community development, easy integration with web services, user-friendly data structures, and GUI-based desktop applications. It is a popular programming language for machine learning and deep learning applications.With wonderful libraries, great community support, simple syntax and easy to learn. Powerful ML and NPL libraries such as: PyTorch, Tensorflow, SpaCy.     JAVA   Java is one of the most common, in-d

Top 5 Python Libraries | Must Learn 2020

A Python library is a reusable piece of code that you may want to use in your programs/projects. Compared to languages such as C++ or C, Python libraries do not have a clear background in Python.Today, more than 137,000 Python libraries are present. Python libraries play a crucial role in creating applications for machine learning, data science, visualization techniques, image and data manipulation, and more.   1. Pandas Pandas is a software library written for the Python programming language for data manipulation and analysis. Pandas is a fast, powerful, flexible and easy to use open source data analysis and manipulation tool, built on top of the Python programming language. In particular, it offers data structures and operations for manipulating numerical tables and time series. Pandas has been one of the most popular and favorite data science tools used in Python programming language for data wrangling and analysis. Data is unavoidably messy in real world. And Pandas

Learn Python For Free | 3 Best Websites to Learn Python For Free

Python is an interpreted, high-level, and general-purpose language. It currently the world's #1 Programming Language and the popularity is growing, thanks to its easy to learn syntax emphasizes readability, Open Source, Portability. Python supports modules and libraries like Pandas, Numpy and Tensorflow, etc, encouraging program modularity and code reuse. Python is great for Back End Development, Data Analysis, Machine Learning, and Artificial Intelligence, Game Development, IoT, etc. you name it and python might do it. There are a lot of good resources to learn python on the internet, but here i present you 3 Best website to learn python for free. Why spend the bucks when you can do it for free. 3 Best Websites to Learn Python I've compiled these 3 websites but there are many more resources to learn from. what are your favorite website feel free to share.  #1  The official home of Python Programming language. It has all the resources from getting started to learning