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Intro to Generative Adversarial Networks | GANs 001

   GANs consist of three terms Generative Adversarial Network. Let's understand these three terms first. Generative : A Generative Model takes input training sample from some distribution and learns to represents that distribution. Adversarial : It basically means Conflicting or Opposing. Networks : These are basically neural networks. So,Generative Adversarial Networks are deep neural network architecture comprising of two neural networks compete with each other to make a generative model. A GAN consist of two class models : Discriminative Model :- It is the one that discriminate between two different classes of data.It tries to identify real data from fakes created by the generator Generative Model :- The Generator turns noise into an imitation of the data to try to trick the discriminator Mathematically, A Generative Model 'G' to be trained on training data 'X' sampled from some true distribution 'D' is the one which, given some standard random distrib

Frequently Asked Python Interview Questions - 2 | 2021

  1. What is the difference between List and Tuple in Python?

     A list can hold ordered sets of all data types in Python (including another list). A list's elements can be modified after creation. The implication of iterations is time-consuming in the list. Operations like insertion and deletion are better performed and consumes more memory. They are mutable

    The tuple type is very similar to the list type but the elements cannot be modified after creation (similar to strings). Implications of iterations are much faster in tuples.Elements can be accessed better and consumes less memory.They are immutable.

  2. What type of language is Python?

    Python is a dynamically typed interpreted language. These types of languages are typically referred to as “scripting” languages because code is not compiled to a binary form. By dynamically typed I mean that types do not need to be declared when coding, the interpreter figures them out at runtime. Python is neither a true compiled time nor pure interpreted language.

  3. What is PYTHON PATH?

    PYTHON PATH is an environment variable which you can set to add additional directories where python will look for modules and packages. For most installations, you should not set these variables since they are not needed for Python to run. Python knows where to find its standard library.

  4. What are Python Modules?

    A module is a file containing Python definitions and statements. A module is a file with the suffix .py appended. Within a module, the module’s name (as a string) is available as the value of the global variable __name__. To break down large programmes into tiny, manageable and structured files, we use modules. Additionally, modules have code reusability.Instead of copying their meanings into various programmes, we can define our most used functions in a module and import them.

  5. What are local variables and global variables in Python? 

    A variable that is declared outside the function or inside the global scope is referred to as a global variable. This implies that it is possible to access a global variable within or outside the function.

    A variable declared within the body of the function or within the local scope is referred to as a local variable.

    For More Question Checkout My Previous Post On Frequently asked Python Interview Questions


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