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Intro to Generative Adversarial Networks | GANs 001

   GANs consist of three terms Generative Adversarial Network. Let's understand these three terms first. Generative : A Generative Model takes input training sample from some distribution and learns to represents that distribution. Adversarial : It basically means Conflicting or Opposing. Networks : These are basically neural networks. So,Generative Adversarial Networks are deep neural network architecture comprising of two neural networks compete with each other to make a generative model. A GAN consist of two class models : Discriminative Model :- It is the one that discriminate between two different classes of data.It tries to identify real data from fakes created by the generator Generative Model :- The Generator turns noise into an imitation of the data to try to trick the discriminator Mathematically, A Generative Model 'G' to be trained on training data 'X' sampled from some true distribution 'D' is the one which, given some standard random distrib...

Frequently Asked Python Interview Questions | 2021

 Python is a high level,general-purpose programming language. It is a popular programming language used for web development, software development, machine learning etc. It is dynamically typed and garbage-collected. Easy to read and understand.


It is one of the behaviors of high-level programming language to check the type of data stored in a variable during the execution. In programming languages such as C, we must declare the type of data before using it. Python does not require any declaration of the data type. The Python interpreter will know the data type when we assign a value to a variable. This is why python is known as dynamically typed language.


Python is know for its readability. In most cases we can understand the python code better than any other programming languages. Writing beautiful and readable code is an art. PEP8 is an official style guide given by the community to improve the readability to the top. PEP8 enables you to write the python code more effectively. Some naming conventions and  comments will be helpful to share your code with other people to understand the code better.


Many books state that Python is an interpreted language. A programming language follows any one of the two approaches to implement the code. The approaches are compilation and interpretation. Some languages follow both the concepts. During compilation, the entire source code is converted into machine code. Machine code is understandable by the CPU. The program will be executed only if the entire code is compiled successfully. In Interpretation, the code is executed line by line. Each line of source code in python is translated into machine code during the execution. There is a virtual Machine available to interpret to interpret the python code.


A Python program will contain many objects and data types. Allocating memory for each object is a must. In python, Heap spaces are used to store data chunks. CPython contains a memory manager that manages the heap space in memory. Managing memory is an important thing in a program. The memory allocation determines the performance of the program. Python's memory manager handles the sharing of information, data caching and garbage collection , etc. This memory manager contains automatic garbage collection.


Generator is a method  to create iterable objects in python. Creating generators are same as creating functions. Instead of return statement we have to use yield in generator function. It returns iterating objects each time it is called.


Splitting a program into multiple part is called functional programming. It is one of the widely used programming paradigm. The functional programming concepts that are available as in built feaures ub Python as zip, map,filter and  reduce.


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